Albrecht Dürers mother as giraffe | Art cartoon by Martin Missfeldt

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Albrecht Dürers mother as giraffe

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Albrecht Dürer, the great master of Northern European sculpture and anyway one of the inventors of today's artistic painting, also had a mother who sits opposite us in this sheet as a giraffe. You can feel the hard life that distinguishes her as a woman of her time and as the mother of a genius.

Dürer's mother was actually cross-eyed (at least in his drawing). So strong that in Mißfeldt's eyes it distracts too much from her true nature. He therefore took the squint from the giraffe Dürer mother and softened her features a little. After all, she has every reason to be satisfied with herself and her son, doesn't she? There is hardly any drawing of cultural history that fits so well with the farmers' wisdom: "December mild and rainy, brings little blessing to the new year".

This old woman reminds of the shriveled old woman from the famous optical illusion: old or young woman.

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Albrecht Durer mother as giraffe (Detail 1)
Albrecht Durer mother as giraffe (Detail 1)
Albrecht Durer mother as giraffe (Detail 1) Albrecht Durer mother as giraffe (Detail 2) Albrecht Durer mother as giraffe (Detail 3)