Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) | Ink drawing by Martin Missfeldt

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Uckermaerker country garden (drawing)

Image Description

This picture shows a section of the country garden of a couple friends who live in the Uckermark. Most of my landscape paintings show undisturbed nature, that is, without people, cars, houses or other human artifacts. In this case, however, I found the harmonious synthesis of people and nature so powerful that I used this photo as a template for a black-and-white drawing with a brush pen. I then gave the picture to Falk.

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Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) (Detail 1)
Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) (Detail 1)
Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) (Detail 1) Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) (Detail 2) Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) (Detail 3) Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) (Detail 4) Uckermaerker country garden (drawing) (Detail 5)