Oil Painting - Oil Painting (online tutorial, instructions)

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What is an oil painting?

An oil painting is a picture painted with oil paint. The oil paint, which can be bought in tubes or cans nowadays, is usually painted with brushes or spatulas on a picture carrier. Usually wooden boards, cardboard or traditional canvases mounted on stretcher frames are used as picture carriers.


Oil painting - Structures of paint application
Oil painting - Structures of paint application

Oil paintings are also called paintings. The term "painting" is derived from "painted" - a work painted with paint on a support. In former times, painted coins or plates were also called paintings. Nowadays, a painting is only a (high-quality, old, valuable) oil painting.

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Oil paintings by Martin Missfeldt

Some exemplary oil paintings of mine, subjective selection, chronological. The pictures come from these galleries (work groups):


Bird (any finch)
"Bird (any finch)", 14 x 19 cm, oil on wood, 1984


Oil painting: Parrots
"Parrots", 100 x 70 cm, oil on canvas, 1985


Oil on wood: Old house in Normandy
"Old house in Normandy", 42 x 50 cm, oil on wood, 1986


oil on paper: Skull Study
"Skull Study", 80 x 50 cm, oil on wrapping paper, 1988


Oilpainting: Still Life with Bottles
"Still Life with Bottles", 100 x 70 cm, oil on canvas, 1988


Famous oil painting: Sunset
"Sunset", 130 x 100 cm, oil on canvas, 1989


Nice Oil-painting: Birch in autumn 89
"Birch in autumn 89", 100 x 70 cm, oil on canvas, 1989


Oil paint: Giraffe on yellow
"Giraffe on yellow", 53 x 34 cm, oil on canvas, 1992


Conceptional oil painting: Rods and Cones
"Rods and Cones", 240 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, 1993


Oil painitn: Swimming pool in Itzehoe
"Swimming pool in Itzehoe", 150 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, 1994


Ölbild: Das Grab des unbekannten Malers
"The Tomb of the Unknown Painter", 70 x 100 cm, oil on canvas, 19.9.2015