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After years of "oil painting abstinence" I started painting with oil paint on canvas again in April 2019. And basically it's a beginning like when I painted the oil painting "Parrots" in 1985. The reason why I didn't want to and couldn't paint for so long lay in the development of art itself. For years, I had racked my brains about the fact that oil painting could no longer be done as such, but that one could put one's medium at the service of the message. But as is the case with art and the supposed messages: it bored me. I didn't want to pollute the world with this kind of art. So I let it be.
In the meantime I am so old that any artistic ambitions have actually left me. So now I can - just as I did at the age of 16 - just start painting. I don't care what the art world says about it. Or: I don't mind if she ignores me. Now I'm painting the pictures I've always wanted to paint, for the living room, for the children's rooms and for the corridors.
As 34 years ago, I am still fascinated by the approach of cubism. The canvas as a surface into which colours and forms are composed. Behind me are painters like Franz Marc or August Macke - both are attributed to Expressionism, but for me they stand much more for a "German Cubism".
Video with this image
The following video shows the painting process as a time-lapsed video.