Machen (Making) - Glass painting | Acrylic painting by Martin Missfeldt

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Machen (Making) - Glass painting

Image Description

First attempt at painting behind glass. With radiator paint first painted the surrounding area - leaving out the dots. Then I applied the dots with Aqryl glass paints on the back. The attempt with a light box failed due to technical inadequacy. But pasted in front of the window, the image can develop the luminosity I had imagined. However, only during the day ... Let's see what develops further from this.

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Machen (Making) - Glass painting (Detail 1)
Machen (Making) - Glass painting (Detail 1)
Machen (Making) - Glass painting (Detail 1) Machen (Making) - Glass painting (Detail 2) Machen (Making) - Glass painting (Detail 3)