Image Description
For my visual experiments I have set up a new website ("Sehtestbilder"). It shows a series of visual test images and videos. The website has four main focuses: on the one hand it is about the "scientific" approach to the topic "eye weakness" (with a online vision test to check visual acuity, and a colour vision test to detect a red-green weakness). Secondly, much information is provided on the subject of vision and vision aids (e.g. vision glasses or lasik eye surgery). The third is about optical illusions and illusions. Because often the eyes lead one behind light. One sees something different than is actually present.
Finally, the fourth focus focuses on the artistic examination of the visual test images. Because: one can hardly consider it possible, but hardly anyone recognizes the beauty of the color plates.
Video with this image
The following video shows the painting process as a time-lapsed video.