Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) | Ink drawing by Martin Missfeldt

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Sandstone desert (landscape drawing)

Image Description

A modern landscape drawing: a sand and stone desert in the Gaza Strip. Bombed houses, overturned lanterns, broken roads, destroyed cars. Nothing is as it could be. Everything is gloomy, sad, destroyed, lost.

But instead of mourning the suffering, everyone is arguing over interpretive authority. Who is to blame? Who started it? Who gets to defend themselves? When is attack the best defense? It is a misery that will never end. It could only end if people stopped looking to the past for blame and instead gave children the education and confidence to look to the future with an open mind and start something new together. But that's not going to happen ...

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Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) (Detail 1)
Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) (Detail 1)
Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) (Detail 1) Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) (Detail 2) Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) (Detail 3) Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) (Detail 4) Sandstone desert (landscape drawing) (Detail 5)