Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) | Watercolor by Martin Missfeldt

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Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel)

Image Description

This dot painting is inspired by the masterpiece "The Return of the Hunters" (also "The Hunters in the Snow") by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. With the motif, I was especially attracted to the snow: how can I paint white dots in neo-poitilist style? Leaving the entire surface blank was out of the question. A dot painting must be completely covered with dots. What now?

So I decided to paint the surrounding space in color, so that the dots would be visible as a negative-cut shape. That worked, too. Interestingly, this gives the image a milky, very soft atmosphere, which I think is quite good, though.

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Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) (Detail 1)
Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) (Detail 1)
Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) (Detail 1) Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) (Detail 2) Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) (Detail 3) Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) (Detail 4) Neo-Pointilism: The Return of the Hunters (Bruegel) (Detail 5)