Portrait of the girl with pearl earring (after Vermeer) | Watercolor by Martin Missfeldt
Portrait of the girl with pearl earring (after Vermeer)
Portrait of the girl with pearl earring (after Vermeer)
Watercolor by Martin Missfeldt, 06. Mai 2021.
Technique: Watercolor on paper -
Size: 42 x 52 cm
Main-Gallery (more pictures):
New Watercolor Paintings 2020/21
Image Description
This portrait shows a version of the Girl with the Pearl Earring by Jan Vermeer painted with colored dots. The difficulty lay in making the dark background come alive with dots. As with the other paintings in this series, the sharpness of detail increases as the viewer moves away. Visual memory complements blurred, indistinct areas, but only when the distance is such that the dots no longer visually dominate as shapes.
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Portrait of the girl with pearl earring (after Vermeer) (Detail 1)