Sunflower watercolor after Van Gogh | Watercolor by Martin Missfeldt
Sunflower watercolor after Van Gogh
Sunflower watercolor after Van Gogh
Watercolor by Martin Missfeldt, 13. Dezember 2020.
Technique: Watercolor on paper -
Size: 27 x 37 cm
Main-Gallery (more pictures):
New Watercolor Paintings 2020/21
Image Description
This watercolor shows colored dots, reminiscent of the famous painting "12 Sunflowers" by Vincent van Gogh. Also in this painting the effect occurs: when I stand close to it, I see only dots. But the further away I go, the more the sunflowers in the vase become visible. I call this kind of painting "neo-pointilism".
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Sunflower watercolor after Van Gogh (Detail 1)