Image Description
The painting time was approx. 5 hours (in stages spread over two days). Completion on 15.5.2019. Material: Watercolour (Schmincke, Horadam) on paper (Hahnemühle 275 g), 50 x 70 cm cold-pressed.
The picture thematizes seeing (of art) as well as transience. The lower layer (quasi an analog layer) shows a color vision test. The motif is a jellyfish, as you can clearly see in the video. A second layer is painted over it - glazed with watercolor - showing a skull (death).
The following video, which shows the creation process as a time-lapse, belongs to the work.
Video with this image
The following video shows the painting process as a time-lapsed video.
"Death of the Jellyfish", Speed painting, digital painting (Photoshop, Grafiktablett)
Please click to load the youtube-source.